Some great stories are kicking around in our community, and we're calling on our states, clubs and members to send us their news tips to help us showcase our community.
--> Do you have a member who has been working on the frontline during COVID-19?
--> Have you implemented a new initiative at your club to keep your members engaged with your club (and each other) during lockdown?
--> Is your club part of the Sporting Schools program introducing juniors to Taekwondo?
--> Are you an AT coach watching your athletes progress through the sport from grassroots to the elite?
--> Have you recently undertake a referee course and are excited about the journey?
These topics are all great stories that are hidden in our community, and many don't get told because we don't know about them.
If you have a good news story that showcases our community's spirit, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us your tips or questions to: