The acceptance of any request is at the total discretion of CombatAUS and the NPC, with the following examples of considerations used in assessing these:
- Categorisation status.
- Suitability to the training phase of the NPC athletes’ program.
- Suitability of training partners in the NPC.
- Training load and ability of the athlete to tolerate the level and duration.
- Consultation with state-based pathways lead and home coach.
- Cost - in most instances, this is borne by the individual.
- Timing - the proximity of the request to the access dates and the activity planned in the NPC - across Taekwondo and Judo as the NPC is a jointly used facility.
To learn more about the above and access to the NPC, please review the documents below for more detailed information.
If you have any questions regarding this email, please get in touch with the Combat Institute of Australia.